Authors Bio
Greetings to all readers be you young or old
Enjoy my rhyming stories highlighted all in bold
I've struggled with dyslexia since I was just a boy.
I've battled through it though as writing stories brings me joy.
I was born in Sunderland. Its land that's split a sunder.
By the river Wear and river bed that lies there under.
Middlesbrough's now my home. I've had one amazing life.
I have two Brilliant stepsons and a really awesome wife.
Hope you enjoy my stories. There's many more to tell.
Adventures to be had and great fun for you aswell.
With my boundless creativity and using all I know
I have the skills at hand to create all that's below.

C. H. I. P. Bun
Welsh Dragon Egg
Captain Jakes Pirate ship
and cat tower
Beach Hut Bird House