The Team

Leslie Morris Author

The Boss

Children's Writer Wacky creator, Robot Builder, Carpentry artist, Anti-Bullying activist, Whiskey and Gin guru

Angie Morris Chief Editor

The Actual Boss

Social carer, worker of miracles, heart of gold and loves cushions, rugs, mirrors and lamps.

Captain Jake Morris

PR / Assistant Editor

Creative assistant/Pirate

eats, sleeps climbs and inspires writing. assisted by Mr Carrot

Luna Morris

Head of Security

AKA Looney Luna

Expert in Martial Arts, Special forces  trainer.  Assisted by Mr Owl


Sofie Spider

Expert Web Designer

Sometimes works alongside Incy Wincy spider.

C. H. I. P. Bun

Logistics Director

Analyctical Process Assistant. Head of research and development for new stories and adventures.

Mr Carrot 

Personal Assistant to

Captain Jake Morris



Mr Owl

360° surveillance

Personal Assistant to

Looney Luna Morris